Common Sense Education Resource
Intended Audience
Media type
Why selected
Parents of students giving their children cell phones
Question and answer format
Parents often ask this important question and/or give cell phones to their children without educating their children on what it is used for.
Parents giving their children permission to use social media
Question and answer format
Parents often ask the question on the pros and cons of their child having a social media account.
Parents of students that are using social media
Question and answer format
Parents often wonder about how to support their child in using social media respectfully and responsibly
Parents of students using Internet
Question and answer format
This is a great starting point for parents as they allow their children more and more time online.
Parents of students using technology.
Question and answer format
Parents often wonder on what the best privacy settings are to set up their child's smartphone, computer, tablets, etc.
Teacher and parents of students using technology
Parents and teachers can use the video to launch Digital Citizenship